

  • Approximately 20% of students or 1 in 5 are in this category.
  • Some are gifted academically, some are not.
  • Most are college bound.
  • They desire a challenge and can handle a rigorous, fast-paced curriculum.
  • No modifications of the workload and testing are made.
  • All 20 chapters of should be covered.


  • Approximately 60% of students or 3 in 5 are in this category.
  • They receive average or above average grades.
  • Not all are college bound, but they desire to be "college-prepared"
  • Math is challenging at times but they eventually "get it" and move on.
  • Modifications of the workload and testing are sometimes made.
    • Modifications may include allowing students to use their notes on tests and shortened worksheets.
  • The traditional student takes the course at a slower pace than the honor student.
  • Although covering all 20 chapters is best; 16-17 chapters of should be covered for the traditional student.  This should include:
    • Chapters 1 thru 15, Ch. 17 (1st half), and Ch. 18.  If time does not allow, skim over Ch.'s 16, 17 (2nd half), 19 and 20.
    • If chapters are not able to be covered, make sure copies of the teacher note sheets for those chapters are given to the student to include in their 3-ring binder of student notes.


  • Approximately 20% of students or 1 in 5 are in this category.
  • They may or may not:
    • have grades that are C- or lower.
    • seek education beyond high school.
  • School is often very challenging.
  • Understanding math does not come easy.
  • Modifications of the workload and testing are made.
  • The foundational student takes the course at a slower pace than the traditional student.
  • 12-13 chapters of should be covered.  This should include:
    • Chapters 1 thru 12
    • Skim over Ch. 13 and cover Ch. 14 if time allows.
    • At least half of each worksheet in the above chapters should be completed.